Today’s Village Conversation is with Village Potter Cat Jarosz:
Changes, changes and yet more changes. 🙂 This has been my driving force and desire for the season I am now experiencing and will be for a long time to come. There is so much to write about on this subject: from before and since my move to “The Village Potters”, not to mention all the changes that I go thru daily to be here, and the ones to come. I have plenty to say about the changes in my life and in the people and the fur kids lives that I live with who change along with me to fill a life time of blogs, but for today I am just going to write about the word CHANGE and why I want it so badly.
I love being a potter and that is not what I want to change at all. YES I can successfully work in my own studio with all the comforts and needs of my hubby, fur kids and self met with ease, and can accomplish lots more production-wise, so why the desire to change all this and go where it takes time and effort and $$$$ to be with people? Because I believe this will transform my environment for the better as well as my whole life. Two and a half decades alone may have made me an exceptional potter, but my relationships have disappeared because I forgot how to nourish them, and I forgot how much JOY even the crappy days hold when you have RELATIONSHIPS !!!
I’m already changing since my move to The Village Potters in December 2011. I look forward to seeing everyone, and I miss them when they are not there even though I spend more time being a person than a potter when they are there 🙂 It delights me that the purple smiley face we supposedly put up when we want privacy to work is IGNORED and we laugh at it now. This is an adventure in the making every day, every day has change and I deal with it easier than the day before. From here on out I hope to write a little about some specific change that I have either successfully added to my life or figured out how to use it for the betterment of ALL.